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May 25, 2023

We go through our favorite X-wing pilots - flaws and all. Topics include:

  • Who is Fake Wedge?
  • Poe's technical prowess
  • Garven close to glory
  • Our boy, Porkins
  • Trench run gameplan

In our Question of the Week, we discuss the demise of the Galactic Starcruiser and share your thoughts on what future immersive...

May 18, 2023

Ty joins us as we take other genre shows and films and apply them to the Star Wars galaxy!  Topics include:

  • Did Jay take this assignment too seriously?
  • Would a Star Wars comedy series be accepted by many?
  • We struggle to stay away from time travel themes
  • More timelines confusion

In our Question of the Week, we share...

May 12, 2023

We review Season 2 of Star Wars Visions. Topics include:

  • Why the Jedi always gotta take children away from their loved ones?
  • Was that Luke's hand in a jar?
  • A very generous redemption for the townspeople by the kyber pit
  • Did you see all the post credits scenes?

In our Question of the Week, we contemplate the various...

May 5, 2023

This week, we celebrate May the 4th and the 40th anniversary of Return of the Jedi by looking back at the rescue of Han Solo from Jabba's palace. Topics include:

  • Was it a good plan or more of a 'winging it' situation?
  • What went well and what went wrong
  • Why didn't Luke use the force in the Rancor pit?
  • What if R2-D2 was...